November Currently

I feel like if I at least put up the month's Currently, I'm still blogging. No matter how little blogging takes place outside of that!

So here it is!


Another quiet day here at the house. Silence is golden.


It's been a wonderful PJ type of morning. The husband is out hunting with friends, so me and the dog are enjoying the morning. It'll have to end soon though. Unfortunately, I can't spend all day sitting around.


I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be rolling out a new blog design soon - as in by the end of the year. I already made business cards for the new design which should be arriving in the mail shortly. I need to work on some of the odds and ends for the online design before I am ready to make it active. I'm excited for it though. It's a bit more cutesy that what I have now.


We'll be leaving soon for some good ol' family time. Nothing wrong with that, except that I've also spent Friday and Saturday with family, so I'm kind of all family'd out. I can't just make an excuse to get out of it though, so hopefully we won't need to be there all day.


Have you heard of or done NaNoWriMo? I believe that this is the seventh year that I have participated. I've never won. November is, at least for me, a terrible month to write a book because I am always so stinkin' busy. But I pretend that I will each year anyway. I expect another loss this year again, but I will keep trying anyway. I haven't even come up with an idea this year, though, so my expectations are pretty low.


Kin of related - hopefully I'll be reading nothing. If I actually come up with an idea for writing, that will in theory take up all my time. I'll only have time to read grad school books and work emails.

That's where I am - in a nutshell. What's going on with you?


  1. I want to stay in my pajamas today too! But we are also going to see family. Which, yes, can be fun, but I am definitely more in a stay at home kind of mood today!
    I haven't ever heard of that writing project - I clicked on the link and it looks interesting! I don't think I could do it, but the idea fascinates me.
    If you decide to write, I hope it goes fabulously for you!
    Happy November!

  2. I like to think I like to write, but a novel in a month??? Yikes. Good to know about though. I nominated you for a Liebster! Check out my post:
    See you around! Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

  3. NaNoWriMo sounds like a cool project. Sending happy brainstorming thoughts your way. Happy November!

    An Adventure in Literacy

  4. You've got a new follower! Can't wait to see your new blog design (although I love yours now, too!)

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Click here to find out what to do!
